A Better System
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It all begins with an idea. It all begins with a consensus we build through our common pursuit towards a better life for ourselves and our families.
Restructuring The System
With a consensus building - voting platform in place, the socio-economic rebuild can begin. This would come in the form of 5 major categories (still up for debate of course - if anyone has improved solutions - that’s how REAL democracy works). At this time, the categories are as follows:
Consumption & Needs Database
Resource Database
Industry/Business/Employment Database
Education Database
The “Consumption & Needs Database” is fed into the “Resource Database” to assess requirements. The “Resource Database” feeds into the “Industry/Business/Employment Database” to supply the necessary workforce. The “Industry/Business/Employment Database” feeds into the “Education Database” to educate more people to fill shortages in the above database. The Stewardship initiative has two main roles. One is to oversee the above 4 databases and ensure their proper functioning. The other is to manage every facet of stewarding our environment back to its former glory by cleaning up all the trash we’ve covered the planet with, divided by land, air and sea.
A Self-Sustaining System
The 5 Synchronized Systems
Consumption & Needs DB
This storehouse of information will keep track of everything we consume, and in addition, also include the needs of people that aren’t being met. This information will be used to plan the logistics of the supply chain and adjust to prioritize the critical needs of people.
1) Current Consumption - Real-time tracking of everything we consume. This will be used to maintain current usage and re-evaluate for efficiency.
2) Needs - This is a new addition to current systems. This will be an online open request shopping cart. It will provide individuals with an avenue to claim essentials to their livelihood. This includes, but is not limited to shelter, food, clothing, transportation.
3) Modus Operandi - The combination of the above two datasets will feed into the Resource Database, calculating the resource requirements, capacities, and strains. All other Databases will feedback into Consumption & Needs to ascertain equivalency levels and subsequent needs for adjustments.
Resource DB
This storehouse of information will keep track of all raw resources - organic, liquid, mineral, and energy. By taking in data from the ‘Consumption & Needs’ database, the Resource database will allocate resource requirements based on priority, societal functioning, and preference. After calculating for efficient distribution, the Resource database will feed into the Industry/Business/Employment database with projected requirements.
1) Ascertain Capacity - First, the database MUST discern the resources required for ALL Consumption & Needs. Failing to meet these requirements, the database then MUST calculate feasibility for maximum returns on above requirements.
2) Delivery - Second, the database MUST allocate resources as per above calculations. Resource diversions will be drawn from in sequence of necessity and accessory.
3) Reassessment - Shortages are fed into each database. Primarily, the Stewardship database will act as the arbiter and coordinate the actions to be taken by other databases (See Stewardship DB).
Industry Business Employment DB
This storehouse of information will keep track of industry requirements, business requirements, and employment requirements to meet the needs of the ‘Consumption & Needs’ database, based on the recommendations of the ‘Resource’ database.
1) Industry Allocation - First, the needs of the industries will be calculated.
2) Business Allocation - Second, the needs of businesses will be calculated based on industry requirements.
3) Employment Allocation - Third, the employment needs will be set by the above two requirements.
4) Shortages - Employment shortages will feed directly into the Education database to fill gaps in industry and business.
Education DB
This storehouse of information is the compiled wealth of knowledge of the human race, as well as the accredited knowledge of every individual.
1) Knowledge Well - This will be a growing body of knowledge comprising of every subject in our educational system.
2) Accredited Knowledge - This system will keep track of every individuals’ education, skills and capabilities. Individuals will also be able to attest to these abilities through online challenge tests. This way, everyone can account for the employment positions they can fill regardless of the level of school they completed.
3) Innovation - This will keep track of and organize the innovations we as people come up with. It will amalgamate similar innovations and fast-track beneficial ones to implementation.
Stewardship DB
The Stewardship database has two primary functions: One, to organize and allocate biosphere regenerating activities; Two, to oversee the coordination between all other databases.
1) Cleanup and Regeneration - This aspect of the database will organize and coordinate all efforts to cleanup the trash and regenerate lost ecosystems in every ecosphere around the globe.
2) Socio-Economic Stewardship - This aspect of the database stewards the 4 other databases through a process of
Coordination Efficacy - This tracks the coordination between each database and provides recommendations or adjustments as needed.
Data Distribution - This tracks how data is distributed within each database and coordinates with the above ‘Coordination Efficacy’ to streamline ‘Data Distribution’ throughout all channels.
Effectiveness Evaluation - This aspect uses the above information in tandem with real-world results to evaluate the effectiveness of each action-plan in play. It then provides recommendations or adjustments to bolster the effectiveness score.
Social Spheres - This aspect will track current social underpinnings, evaluate struggling facets of social structures, develop strategies to improve these structures and, provide avenues for social cohesion.
Technology The Way It Was Meant To Be
In order to implement the above databases and create the infrastructure necessary, we will utilize advancing technologies to build what we as a society should have had a long time ago - an organizational structure that has the capacity to meet EVERYONE’S needs while managing our capacity to meet those needs. Through this database collective, we’ll have the tools we need to manage and maintain every facet of our modern society.
Other shifts in industry will also be key contributors to building a sustainable world. First and foremost, ALL products will require reengineering towards 100% recyclability. Products need to be redesigned with taking them apart in mind. We also need to start shifting towards the use of recyclable materials ONLY for product manufacturing. This way every product we manufacture can be recycled to minimize the exploitation of natural resources.
Alongside this, engineering and manufacturing MUST go back to the principle of building products to the furthest reaches of durability and efficiency, to create products that can last as long as possible. The current model of planned obsolescence in manufacturing industries MUST end.
There are many areas of technology we can utilize to assist us in this shift, including automation, AI / machine learning, telecom and alternate energy sources. The best part is, in the new way we operate, things like automation will have zero negative impact on anyone and instead only bolster our ability to create better lives for ourselves.
A NEW Standard Of Living
By structuring our society using these above methods, we will finally begin to live in a way that was being dreamed of and foreseen during the first industrial revolution. Back in those times, people were very excited about the prospects and ability for industry and technology to completely reshape their lives and make life much easier and enjoyable. We could have gone down that path over 100 years ago but we didn’t. Today we stand at a point where we can not only reimagine this world in that way, but we have everything we need to make it happen!
In the new world we shape together, no one will ever need to worry about employment. Every person capable of work will have it.
In the new world, no one will ever have education withheld from them. To ensure we meet the needs of the people (all of us), education will be promoted and offered free… because we as a people care about eachother and we care about our society.
In the new world, we won’t be destroying our planet, we will be rebuilding it. Stewardship will become one of the cornerstones to our way of life. This in itself is a critical and necessary requirement to maintain a sustainable way of life.
In the new world, everyone’s basic needs will be met, no matter what, no exceptions. Of course, some will enjoy more of the fruits of our labour than others, but this will be based solely on the value they individually bring to the society as a whole. The more you do for everyone, the more you deserve in compensation. I think we can all agree on that.
There are innumerable other benefits and parts of this new system that can’t all be covered here. And there are many aspects and details that need to be refined by the use of the voting system itself. This new world won’t be presented to us, it will be something we all design together. This is the new world - the world of The People - The Human Race.
We The People
Declare Our Independence!
Write Our Own Constitution!

Donate Today
Everything in life costs money. Building a better world together can’t be funded by any individual or small group, it’s not feasible. You and I, and all of us collectively, are a part of whatever system we live in. And to create a system - by the people, for the people - needs the people’s help! If your heart is yearning for something better… wants a better life, and to live in a better world… then please consider donating to help us make that dream a reality. Thank you!