Consensus Building - Voting Platform
The Voice of the People
In order for us to have a voice and create positive change, we need a platform that is designed to organize, coordinate and implement what ‘We The People’ decide is right for us. This platform also needs protocols for building a consensus between us as well as checks and balances for our respectful conduct. If we want a democracy that truly follows the Will of The People, we need a platform that is designed to accomplish this task.
Our world today is in dire need of a renewed spirit of love and hope. The problems we face today are many - from wars and threats of war, political tensions, failing economies, disrupted supply chains, environmental disasters, food and energy shortages, civil unrest, railing discontent from many peoples across the globe, among many other things - it’s no surprise we as a human race seem to be at each others’ throats more than we are breaking bread together. Our public and social programs do little to quell the disrepair we find ourselves in and the divisions in society are only getting more heated. We need a way to fix our problems and solve the pressing issues we face. Not add fuel to the fire and push ourselves further down these trenches. So what can we do to get to the bottom of it and finally mend the wounds and bring prosperity back to civilization as a whole?
The system we call civilization (our system), relies on us and doesn’t exist without us. Instead of seeing ourselves as disempowered, incapable, weak and dependent, we must realize the truth of our individual power, strength and abilities. It’s time we grew up a little, put on our big boy or girl pants, took the training wheels off, and finally connected together as independent collaborators. Each and everyone one of us has the same intrinsic value - we must all regard ourselves and eachother as such. We are powerful beyond measure and waking up from the slumber of apathetic dependency that, given our complacent nature, we hardly noticed we were living that way. We need a communication system that fosters our independence while simultaneously embracing our collective nature and community mindedness. Any system we create will need to be inclusive, non-discriminatory, balanced, unifying and progressive.
We need a way to communicate with each other at scale that fosters our collaborative nature and provides a methodology and tools to build a consensus between us.
To make this work we need nested, connected and synchronized forum structures at the surface - a method for large-scale organized discussions. A scoring system could then evaluate the pressing matters that matter most to us and provide a priority rating method. This would then funnel down into issues that require our attention. That would be further refined through a consensus building method that would eventually funnel into a vote or votes (decisions to be made).
This would need to be built on the framework of machine learning to optimize the collection and dissemination of content, while further organizing the synchronizations between discussions with connecting points.
This would then all be built on the foundation of a multi-layered blockchain, for impenetrable security.
At this stage, the implementation is to first spread the word, let people know about this opportunity. To raise the funds needed to build it. To grow and organize the think-tank and design teams, to distill all the parts and pieces into a robust and user-friendly platform.
Following that, the implementation would move to code teams and management teams. This is the ‘build it’ phase.
Finally, we would enter the ‘rollout’ phase, where the platform would be accessible to anyone via mobile or web app.
How It Works
First, in order for a real democracy to flourish, The People MUST be in charge of the decision-making process. Second, The People NEED to be informed. Third, there MUST be open, inclusive, respectful discussion and debate. And finally, the entire system MUST be 100% secured.
In order to achieve this, the app will be:
Direct Democracy Voting - Vote for issues/laws NOT for Parties
Built on an open-source, decentralized, blockchain platform
Divided into 3 sections - Discussion, Deliberation, Voting
Have checks and balances for conduct - NO CENSORSHIP
Built with advanced algorithms to keep relevant votes for users on top
AND SO MUCH MORE! (Detail, that is)
A Decision-Making Platform
3 - Platforms In - 1
This is where we discuss issues openly. This is more or less an organized forum where we openly raise and discuss issues. Main forum categories will include - by region (Mun., Prov., Fed.), by topic, by priority. Discussions that reach specified thresholds will be elevated to the Deliberations platform.
Here is where a discussion becomes a concern that requires our attention. At this stage, the point being raised will be refined into a single vote (or multiple votes, if required). All information ‘For’ or ‘Against’ every individual vote will be compiled and vetted. Every Deliberation that meets the requirements and refinement necessary will be elevated to the Voting Platform.
This is where we actually vote ‘For’ or ‘Against’ any decision to be made. At this point, we have a refined and concise decision to vote on. Those who are affected by this vote or have knowledgeable expertise within the scope of the vote will be notified and a vote requested from that individual. Those who wish to participate beyond these definitions will be required to pass a screening test to verify they have cause to vote. Final voting will be followed by a hearing of appeals, which may possibly lead to a revision of the vote itself.
Some Finer Details Of The Consensus Building - Voting Platform
Blockchain Infrastructure
A blockchain is simply a way to create and store records of any kind securely, leaving no way for infiltrators to add, remove or alter records. This will ensure that every individual has one vote with no way to falsify or remove that vote. Nor can anyone create false votes. This is as close to 100% secure as any voting system can get.
1) Discussions Chain - This blockchain will house the open discussions we collectively engage, and highlight trending discussions for deliberations.
2) Deliberations Chain - This blockchain will house the deliberations we collectively engage, and process the refinement to a specified vote(s).
3) Voting Chain - This blockchain will will house the voting data as well as all votes cast by individuals.
4) Oversight Chain - This blockchain will use algorithms to oversee the congruence of all the above blockchains to ensure and maintain an unbroken chain of custody for all data points crossing between these blockchains.
Weighted Voting
Weighted voting is a way for We The People to fairly distribute the decision-making power among us, that reflects the involvement and/or expertise of the individual in every decision we make.
1) Affect Ratio - This calculates the affect any vote has on an individual, from directly affected to not at all. The weight of an individuals vote from 0.0 to 1.0 will depend on how affected they are by a specific vote. The more directly they are affected, the more weight their vote carries.
2) Knowledge - This will adjust your vote weight from 0.1 to 1.0 depending on how knowledgeable you are on any particular vote. Every vote will have all pertinent information attached along with a short test to verify your acuity to both sides of the ‘For’ or ‘Against’ arguments of any particular vote. The better you understand the FULL scope of any decision, the more weight your vote will carry.
Representative Democracy
It’s true that in every society and in every point in history, some people simply don’t want to be involved in politics and decision-making. Some want considerable involvement, some not so much, while others not at all. Regardless of where someone stands, their voice deserves to be heard.
1) One Vote Each - Every individual gets one vote to cast for each decision on the voting platform. Each vote will have a weight (as described above) from 0.0 to 1.0.
2) Passing Vote - Every individual can pass their vote to someone else. Those who prefer NOT to get involved, can allow anyone they choose to represent their vote. This other individual will ‘represent’ you as long as they’re in possession of your vote. Whatever they vote for is where your vote will be cast. Every individual can revoke their vote from said other individual at any time or simply revoke the decision of any one single vote, while maintaining them as a representative.
The Steps To Get There
There are many steps along the way but the MOST IMPORTANT one is your support. Whether that’s financial, through sharing, or by getting involved, your support is the cornerstone in us building a better world together.
The Steps To Get There Are:
Funding - We need to hire the right teams and developers to get the job done.
Spread The Word - We NEED to spread this to EVERYONE in order for ALL of us to build the future we ALL collectively want. In this way we can all participate in and have our voices heard, in a FREE and DEMOCRATIC society.
Partner With Like-Minded Organizations - We are dedicated to connecting with other organizations, groups, or otherwise, that share the same values and are invigorated by the prospect of building a new world together - ‘The People’s Way’.
Build The Platform - Ensure the voting app is developed to meet the needs and standards of We The People.
Deploy The Platform - We need to get this app into EVERYone’s hands, get our discussions under way and let the consensus building begin!
Officialize The Platform - With enough of The People using the platform and building a consensus while also making other decisions, we legislate the platform as the democratic voice of The People. Naturally, this is something we can discuss, build a consensus on, and vote on, using the platform.
Begin Rebuilding Society By Decree of The People - At this stage, we move onto building A Better System and continue expanding the use of the voting platform.

Make a donation.
Everything in life costs money. Building a better world together can’t be funded by any individual or small group, it’s not feasible. You and I, and all of us collectively, are a part of whatever system we live in. And to create a system - by the people, for the people - needs the people’s help! If your heart is yearning for something better… wants a better life, and to live in a better world… then please consider donating to help us make that dream a reality. Thank you!